Kids Can Fish is a state and federally recognized 501(c)(3) charitable foundation. All of our camps, clinics, and outreach are funded by our website merchandise sales, sponsors, and donations! Our mission is to teach kids the fundamentals of fishing and to most importantly HAVE FUN!!!
If you would like more information on how to donate please email us at info@kidscanfish.net

Get To Know Us

Tom Lewis
Tom was born and raised outside of Cleveland, Ohio by parents who raised him and his three brothers to love the outdoors. In his youth he fished the great lakes area avidly for Largemouth Bass, Walleye, and Steelhead and spent many summers fishing the diverse ecosystem of the Florida Everglades.
Tom graduated from The Ohio State University and from Hocking College earning degrees in Natural Resources and Wildlife Management at each academic institution.
Tom now resides in southeast Georgia with his wife Marisa, daughter Caroline,10 and son Graham, 7. Tom believes that families are "Bonded by Fishing" and strives to raise his family with the same passion and love for wildlife that he was taught by his parents as a child.

Caroline Lewis
Caroline Lewis has the love of fishing in her soul. While most young ladies aren’t interested in cutting up chum for bait, quartering mullet, or spending hours mastering the use of a cast net, Caroline finds value in these skills and is committed to the hunt for big fish and learning the tactics involved to be successful.
As a young angler Caroline has boated large cobia, mahi, snapper, and has played tug of war with sharks the size that most adult anglers dream of. Caroline’s true passion is hauling in bull redfish in the fall run by tossing baits into current rips or over the break of the surf.
At just shy of ten years old, Caroline created the non-profit organization called the Kids Can Fish Foundation and serves as the leading influencer of the organization and has become a role model for youth anglers across the country. It’s not certain what Carolines fishing destiny is going to be, but there is one thing that is certain; in the debate of figuring out how to get more kids hooked on fishing, Caroline is a leading figure in showing them that Kids Can Fish.

Brandon Ridens
Born and raised in New Mexico and was exposed at an early age to all things outdoors by my dad who is still my favorite outdoorsman and mentor that taught my brother and I the arts of fishing, hunting and conserving our natural resources. We had many adventures that ranged from fly fishing backpack trips in Colorado, deer and bird hunting all over the southwest, to my first exposure to saltwater fishing in Corpus Cristy, Texas.
Brandon now resides in southeast Georgia with his wife Lacey, daughter Madison and son Parker.
My hope is to inspire others to get out there and find one, catch one and share it with someone special.